Tag Archives: fairytale

THE POWER OF LOVE – A Fairytale Story



A charming fairy tale by multi-genre author Karen J Mossman.

A mother’s love is the strongest bond of all. She will do anything for her child. For Jorge that bond is shown to him by way of music.

Josie, like everyone else in the Kingdom, hears the music but only Jorge can see it.

The calling finally lures him to the King’s castle and what he finds will change his life forever.

A short story suitable for all ages.

Buy Linkhttps://books2read.com/PowerofLove

One day, several years later, Jorge was out hunting with Josie. The King’s music filled the air, and Jorge stopped and lowered his bow. Its mournful song tore into his soul with its beauty.
The musical notes had become transparent, accompanied by a myriad of rainbow colours. Every time he saw them, their beauty grew.
Josie watched him gazing into the air for a moment and then said, “You’re seeing them, aren’t you?”
Jorge nodded. He could never be untruthful to the girl he would eventually marry. “Soon I shall join the others and visit the castle to watch the King play.”
“But your parents forbade you,” she reminded him.
“I don’t want to hurt them, but the music calls me, Josie. I have no choice. One day soon, I must go.”
“Then I will accompany you. You should tell your parents what you intend to do.”
Jorge agreed, and, when they returned home, he said goodbye to Josie and decided now was the time to tell his parents.


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Karen lives on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey off the North Wales coast with her husband and two dogs. She has two grown-up children, who were both born on the same day, two years apart.
Karen is also an avid blogger and book reviewer, “It’s especially important to me to have feedback from my readers, so please leave a review when you have read one of my books.”
She has also participated in several anthologies.

Join Karen on Social Media


 Other Books by Karen J Mossman

The Decade Collection:

Behind Closed Doors – 70s
Joanna’s Journey – 80s
Joanna’s Destiny – 90s
The Truth Will Out – 00s


One Christmas
Distant Time
Down by the River
A Cry in the Night
Play the Game
The Adventures of Cassidy Newbold
The Ghost on the Stairs
The Magic of Stories
The Power of Love

The Dark Valley – new release

The Dark ValleyGenre: Fantasy YA portraying a strong woman and a start to romance.

A dark fairy tale with some not very likeable creatures called Trolls who run mines to source precious gems.

The Crones are witch-like characters who want what every older woman wants – to be young and pretty.

The Crones have magical powers, and they take the soul of the young people to help them achieve this. That is until along came Clarissa who finally breaks the curse on their valley.



“Father,” he grinned. “What’s with the next valley over? It’s like winter over there, all cold and dark.”

“Evil is there, don’t say you…”

“No, I stayed in the forest father. I didn’t like the look of it.”

“Good, remember to stay away, too,” he scolded.

“Evil? What type of evil lives close to us?”

“Why so interested Caspian?”

“I – I heard a girl singing with such a pure voice, it was beautiful.”

“Pure evil,” he frowned. “Stay away, the witches don’t like strangers, most never come back.”

“Don’t worry father, I was only wondering.”

“Remember, curiosity killed the cat.”

They entered the house, grabbing a drink of ale each as they sat waiting for their dinner.



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‘You want to know who I am? Well, let’s see!

I’m British born and bred, although I have lived most of my life in New Zealand. Sweet as? (Kiwi Saying) I love New Zealand, best little country in the world today, though I’m sure others will have different opinions.

First and foremost, I am a wife and mother of four children, though we lost our youngest 17 years ago. My husband and I have been married for 28 years this year. Our two eldest daughters are in the UK having their OE (Overseas Experience as they call them in Kiwiland). My son is about to start university to study architecture.

This will be the first time my husband and I will have true freedom to do as we wish, when we wish, without the phrase “Get a room” from the kids with our reply of “Don’t need one. Got a house.” And that was just about kissing…lol. Kids these days!

I am a Family History Researcher and have been for the past twenty years. I fell into writing in 2012 and became a multi-genre author because the muses…yeah more than one…wouldn’t shut the up. I have published over thirty books and have over a hundred drafts on my computer. My main genres are Children’s Adventure Stories, Young Fantasy, Young Adult Fantasy, New Adult Murder Mystery Romance under my own name. Under my pen name of Beth Bayley, I write Contemporary Billionaire Romance (reverse aka the woman is the billionaire) as well as a set of Mythical Welsh stories. I also have one wayward muse who I call Chloe King who is an Erotic Author. Pain in the … and a nympho. Meanwhile, I’ll stay prudish, thanks.

In 2014 I set up my own Publishing Company called Plaisted Publishing House Ltd, which now runs an Author Assist program for Formatting, Editing and Book Covers. We’ve helped over 32 clients in various different ways. We also do Family History Books.

I join EE last year, though I have only recently found the time to get my first book sorted. It is called ‘The Dark Valley’ by Claire Plaisted and is about a young woman who is strong in nature.

You can contact me at:’

Billionnaire Romances
Chloe King – ADULTS ONLY
Plaisted Publishing
Electric Eclectic Books

A fluffy ( cupcake) fairytale)


Gertrude wants to be the best baker and pastry chef in the city so she makes a deal with Mona the witch: one spell in exchange for her first-born child. The problem is, Gertrude doesn’t have a husband. Or a boyfriend. Or much interest in dating at all.

As the overly dramatic Mona occasionally stops by the flourishing bakery to see about Gertrude keeping up her end of the bargain, both women begin to realize that maybe the deal isn’t what will bring them true happiness. Soon, something more than friendship begins to blossom.

When tragedy strikes, Gertrude finds that she may lose the only family she has left. Is Mona a powerful enough witch to save the city from impending war and help the girl she is falling for? Can she let go of her regrets so she can move on to find her happily ever after?

“Once Upon a Pastry is a delightfully unique fairy tale for adults. This fun – and sometimes funny – the story begins with cupcakes and gets unexpectedly serious for a while. Though I would’ve enjoyed reading more details about the characters, especially Aunt Rhiann, the way it was written was engaging and the story flowed well. I will definitely read more from this author. Her voice is as unique as the story itself.”

Another author that’s not afraid to mix it up using a fairytale genre in modern times with a modern love story that doesn’t entail the usual MF dynamic. 


Check out Once Upon a Pastry and Ashely’s other great books on Amazon

Payback’s A Witch!

Title: Savage Beauty
Author: Casey L. Bond
Genre: YA Epic Fantasy, Fairy Tale Retelling
Editor: Stacy Sanford/ The Girl with the Red Pen
Cover Designer: Melissa Stevens/ The Illustrated Author Design Services
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Once upon a time, a beautiful queen was cursed by a dark faery. That curse, inherited by twin princesses, Aura and Luna, binds their lives in the strangest of ways. At an early age, the girls were more than sisters. They were the strongest of allies until a combination of jealousy, anger and dark magic tore their relationship to shreds.
Aura took everything from Luna: her home, her family, and her love by murdering the prince who’d chosen her instead of Aura.
Luna wants revenge, but she’s running out of time. She must sever the magical bond tying her life to Aura’s before their eighteenth birthday or be bound to her forever. In desperation, she seeks help from a dark fae prince, but the price is steep – a piece of her soul.
Fate is a real witch. Luna was willing to give up anything to stop her sister, until Prince Phillip of Grithim, the brother of the only man she’s ever loved, falls into her life. Neither of them can fight their attraction, despite their guilt.
With Aura hell-bent on destroying everything she holds dear, Luna must decide whether she wants revenge or Phillip. She can’t have both, and in the end, this may be a battle both sisters lose.
**Savage Beauty is a fairy tale retelling of Sleeping Beauty… with fae witches. 🙂
Award-winning author Casey L. Bond resides in Milton, West Virginia with her husband and their two beautiful daughters. When she’s not busy being a domestic goddess and chasing her baby girls, she loves to write young adult and new adult fiction.You can find more information about Bond’s books via the following links: