Reviews: ITOV YA edition

ITOV YA ebook final

December 2018 ****

While I’m not into YA books. It is a good read for something short and fast.

March 2018 ****

This is my first novel by Karina Kantas and I was Transfixed!

The novel movement was liquid! Each character was fully-developed, flawed and so authentically human. The violence and suspense was interwoven with a warm familial relationship among the MC members, lots of British slang colored the narrative which added such realism and really took the reader on a thrill-ride through the streets of London.

Lovely Booklover, I Never reveal ANY spoilers in my reviews as I wish for you to discover the joys of each Tantalizing Tale for yourself. I kindly recommend you purchase this book for your home library.

February 2018 *****
I won this series and so glad I did I loved it and they just got better and better don’t be put if by being a YA edition it was so good definitely be keeping an eye out fir this author again.
November 2017 ***** SPOILER
I love this book. She joined the gang to feel love. They all took her in an treated her like a her. She loved with the 2 brother in love with Marcus or so she thought. But Dylan was the one who really loved her. But she didn’t want to hurt Marcus. So they kelp its secret. Then Dylan was killed to protect he brother.
October *****
Karina Kantas did a bang up job on this book. It is the story of how a young girl gets involved with a MC gang in the big city. She goes into great detail of how this happened. The characters are believable and the things that happen to Jade are very true to that type of life. I’ve read this entire series and all of the books are excellent reads. Kudos to you, Karina Kantas. Job well done.
October  *****
Reading this reminds me so much of S.O.A. Well put together and the characters are relatable. I laughed and cried while reading. I look forward to reading the next book!
Well Done, Karina Kantas!
August *****
WOW, I love Jade’s character. Very Well written.
The author did an amazing job with this storyline.
August 2017 *****
I am a huge fan of MC books. This was the first one from Karina Kantas that I read and I could not put it down. It was odd at first reading it from Jades point of view. But it was very well written. I enjoyed every minute of this book and have already read the second in the series and started the third. That is how good they are. Do not miss this book. Jade, Marcus and Dylan will bring out the feels.


Author Karina Kantas shares her latest news, books, reviews, awards and blogs as well.